(Legacy) Apprenticeship – Refrigeration Mechanic (Industrial & Commercial)
The apprenticeship system is a well known technical training system, including practical and theoretical components offered in designated trades to achieve artisan status. We have formed partnerships with stakeholder and can offer full training of the knowledge component, the
practical aspects.
Agreement Duration with Merseta 3 years
Apprentices registered on the legacy qualification will continue until completion (2027).
Occupational Qualifications (Apprenticeships)
To be made available in 2025
National Certificate Refrigeration
National Occupation Qualification:
Context 1: Fluorinated and Flammable Refrigerants – 3 years
Context 2: Carbon Dioxide Refrigerant – 3 years
Context 3: Ammonia Refrigerant – 3 years
National Certificate Air Conditioning and Refrigeration – 3 years
Industrial & Commercial
The apprenticeship system is a well known technical training system. Practical and theoretical components are offered in designated trades to achieve artisan status.
Entry Requirements:
Minimum age of 16, Grade 9 with English or Afrikaans, Maths or Science + 2 other subjects. As well as a N2 with the subjects Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Trade Theory.
2½ years minimum and 4 years maximum. Monday to Friday, from 08:00 to 15:00.