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The type of filters we can expect to find on a central air conditioning plant.

Welcome to the Solutions page Many people ask for assistance in the understanding of theoretical and practical aspects of the industry. I will endeavour to enlighten. We are going back to basics as I have questions coming in that indicate that the basic understanding necessary to work in industry is not in place. David asks: […]

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Service and Repair Issues When Working With Hydro Carbon R600a.

Support By: Grant Laidlaw Welcome to the Solutions page Many people ask for assistance in the understanding of theoretical and practical aspects of the industry. I will endeavour to enlighten. I am going back to basics as I have questions coming in that indicate that the basic understanding necessary to work in industry is not […]

The Quantity of Sensible Heat

Hi Stefan, yes what you say is correct. In the last issue we looked at temperature, heat, latent and sensible heat. Let us move on to the quantity of sensible heat When an amount of heat is transferred to or from a mass of substance, which results in a change in temperature, the heat added […]

Should One Use an Evacuating System?

Welcome to the Solutions page Many people ask for assistance in the understanding of theoretical and practical aspects of the indus-try. I will endeavour to enlighten. Jabo asks: Mr Grant, you say we should use a vac pump but many do not use, can you explain. Hi Jabo, it is extremely important that a refrigeration […]

Collaboration Uplifts Industry Through Training Programme

After two and a half years in the making, the first phase of this project has been successfully delivered. As part of the strategy to align local industry to the requirements of the Montreal Protocol and Kigali Amendment (the phasedown/out of HCFSc and HFCs), the department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment (DFFE) is the […]

Addition Humidity Systems to Conditioning

An investigation to if Humidity Systems can be added to Air Conditioning and if it is neccessary. Is it necessary? Are there any guidelines around this as it very seldom to see any systems that control humidity? Download Solution

Stress Corrosion Cracking of Copper Tubing

Good quality refrigeration piping installation, when installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications, will not cause stress corrosion cracking of copper tubing.   Download Solution